An Entertaining Jesus
I'm about to depart for the ELCA National Youth Gathering. As an "events" person, I'm usually very impressed with the gathering. At the same time, I'm aware that our youth ministry has gotten dumber and dumber all the time. We are less about teaching and more about entertaining. Do we think that kids cannot handle theology? Are we scared that we might "bore" them?
Some of the Christians that I've argued with often care only if they are entertained. They tell me that they are sure that God is in charge of their lives, but if God's not keeping them in a good mood, then they sure get crabby quickly.
Can we be smarter about this? If kids are entertained up until they are in high school, is it any wonder they leave the church? There is an abrupt shift in how we treat adults, versus how we treat kids. When is someone expected to be able to handle a real sermon? Or Bible study?
Of course, I also know several adults who never make the leap into a mature faith. One where they want to continue to learn more. We need to figure out a way that challenges the faith of our communities. Let's get them thinking, folks!
Just a quick venting session before I watch some big Christian Death Metal Band on a big stage in San Antonio.
Hey, it is like the famous t-shirt says: "Christian Death Metal Saved My Life." Oh, and the bumpersticker that says, "My Boss is a Reformed Jewish Bass Player."
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