Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christ the KING, 2008

But that's the compelling nature of Christ the King Sunday. Its about feeding the sheep with Justice. Stuffed. Like a turkey

Ephesians is the best for this.
“God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come. And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all” (1:20-23).

When Paul would speak of “rule and authority and power and dominion”, he was casting a whole new understanding of those words – cosmic and political, earthly and other worldly. This new understanding is not liberal. Liberals are just powerful people that out of their benevolence share their power Revolutionaries are the opposite of liberals - folks without power that are taking power - usually through violence. But radicals - from the latin radix "root" - are getting to the root - the depth of the problem of Caesar. False God. Bread and Circuses. Poverty and Oppression. War and Slavery. Before entering the market place - merchants, traders, consumers had to grab some incense and toss it into the fire. This action was an offering to Caesar, Lord of the Land, God, and benevolent leader that allows us to practice free trade. So, come on, what's a little pinch to Caesar when you've got a family to feed? Its not like there are other options. Folks gotta eat.

Oh except for that whole Acts 2 thing where everyone held everything in common.

Opt out. That's what Christ the King, Jesus the President is about. It is about opting out of the corrupting influence of Caesar, Babylon, and the American empire. Neither Bush nor Obama can dictate how we live our faith, how we practice, how we share. Obama can spread my wealth around, the Fed can bailout Wall Street, and the Air Force can bomb civilians. Unemployment benefits can be extended. Jobs can be created. The environment can be protected. For the good and the bad, the Empire does not have authority. I pledge allegiance to the King. I am a citizen of the kingdom.

The Kingdom does not celebrate our nation's genocide of indigenous people with turkey and parades. The kingdom does not shop to start the holiday season. The kingdom does not cover the cross in a flag, nor a nation with divine blessing. The kingdom does not have immigration quotas and undocumented citizens. The kingdom does not build house upon house and field upon field. The kingdom does not pollute the water others drink The kingdom does not fatten the sheep for the slaughter. The kingdom does not operate by the rules of the empire. The kingdom is different.

We know this by what we see our fellow citizens doing - by the actions of our brothers and sisters. If the Empire Rules are no longer in play, I don't have to be scared to give help to a man on the street, wondering if he'll drink it or smoke it. I don't have to judge the mother. I don't have to pity the child. I don't have to believe my works make me righteous. I don't have to wonder if I'm a sheep or a goat, wheat or tare. I just live. I live fully. I share freely. I love recklessly. I live differently.

The Empire doesn't get it. The Empire is threatened by it. The Empire sees this different lifestyle and sees it for what it is: the inevitable doom of a nation. No Empire stands forever. Pharaoh can take away our straw, but God will lead us out. We can sit by the waters of Babylon, but still sing a holy song. And Rome can take our leader, the Temple can take our Lamb, and they can bring death. Slaughter. Sacrifice. Crucifixion. They can even bring it on me. On you. On the least of these. They bring death, because it is the only commerce they know. It is what is emblazoned on their coins. Empires run on fear-based economies. Empires are fueled by deaths of the innocents.

But the kingdom is different. Our kingdom deals not in death, but resurrection. Our kingdom runs not on fear, but hope. Our kingdom is powered by the Holy Spirit. And our kingdom, the one in which we have been invited and welcomed, dines not on the steaks and lobster of the oppressors, but the bread and cup of the liberator. Citizens of the Kingdom, Sisters and Brothers of the Faith. Taste and See. Believe and Live. Love and Serve.


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